How To Get Rid Of Condensation In Caravan Windows

Caravan windows can have an annoying habit of misting up. So, why does it happen, and what can you do to prevent it? Preventing condensation in caravan windows can be easily achieved by taking certain precautions to prevent excess moisture in your caravan, as well as knowing what to do if it does become a problem.

The change in temperature and the amount of moisture in the air are the most common causes of caravan windows misting up.

Condensation can form as a result of these changes.

This is because caravan windows aren’t completely sealed, so they have a tendency to mist up if the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the caravan is significant.

However, if the caravan’s ventilation is poor, you may notice even more condensation. Check your vents to see if anything is obstructing them. Condensation is exacerbated when ornaments and even bedding obstruct the vents.

Understanding Caravan Build

Caravans are our beloved homes-on-wheels that can be towed behind a vehicle – are also known as travel trailers, campers, or camper trailers to our friends in the United States.

They’re mostly made of fibreglass or aluminium sheet, with plywood and polyurethane foam thrown in for good measure.

They are designed to be pulled by another vehicle and are built on wheels but do not have their own motor – as with a motorhome or campervan.

They come in various sizes, ranging from teardrop trailers with just enough room for a bed to multi-bedroom apartments on wheels.

Build a Caravan - Lavender Composite Panels

Mould and damp is one of the biggest enemies of caravans, so the windows aren’t completely sealed to give some ventilation, preventing moisture from getting inside.

Although most caravan windows don’t usually mist up on a regular basis, it can occur when the temperature inside is significantly warmer than the outside temperature or if there is insufficient ventilation throughout the caravan.

The majority of caravan windows are double-glazed, which means they are made up of two bonded acrylic panes. Although proper ventilation usually clears it up, moisture can get trapped between these two panes.

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However, if moisture is trapped for an extended period, mould can develop, obstructing visibility through the window permanently.

Tips To Stop Caravan Windows Steaming Up

Condensation is likely to occur when the caravan’s humidity level exceeds 60%. You can deal with this quickly by:

  • Leaving a rooflight open at all times of the day and night is a good idea (weather permitting).
  • The doors between the rooms/compartments should be left open as often as possible.
  • Increasing the amount of ventilation makes it even more effective.
  • Check that ventilation is obstructed by anything and set your windows to ‘Nightvent’ so that moisture can escape and dry air can enter.

Preventing Condensation in Caravans

Static Caravan Condensation Advice | NACO

If your caravan’s windows are frequently misting up, it might be a sign that it isn’t getting enough ventilation, which is concerning because it could lead to other issues like mould, mildew, and rot.

Some simple steps can be taken to avoid dealing with this issue in the future:

  • Empty out water in kettles, pots, and coffee makers that have been sitting for a while.
  • Always allow air to circulate throughout your caravan, and open any windows, doors, and skylights as often as possible.
  • Where possible, avoid taking a shower at night – water evaporates faster during the day.
  • At night, try not to heat the van any more than is absolutely necessary.
  • Open windows when cooking or washing up to allow any moisture to escape.
  • Where possible, use the site facilities – especially during the winter months, when the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the caravan is the greatest, and condensation is most likely to occur.
  • Avoid hanging clothes to dry. While this seems like a cost-effective and convenient way to dry clothes when the weather is warm – moisture has a higher chance of lingering in colder, damp conditions.
  • Make sure your grey water tank (if your caravan has one) is regularly emptied. Moisture from the pipes can feed back into the van.

Reducing as much water as possible inside your caravan will not only keep your windows clear but will also keep your walls dry and your caravan in better shape.

Clearing Condensation In Your Caravan

  • Most caravans have ventilation holes that can become clogged over time. Once you’ve pitched your caravan, open up the vent flaps to allow the air to circulate. Use the slim nozzle on a hoover to help clear out any blockages.
  • Open all windows, doors, and vents whenever you can!
  • Pitch your caravan so that the sun can shine through the windows.
  • Try placing a warm towel on the outside pane of the window – this can help draw out and soak up any moisture helping to clear condensation from the windows.
  • If your caravan has little plastic window bungs, you can remove them to create some ventilation. Be careful when removing them because they can become stuck or fall between the two panes. Remember to put the bungs back before the temperature starts to drop. Doing this will help to prevent further condensation.
  • To remove any trapped water, use a handheld window cleaner vacuum. These are designed to collect water while cleaning windows in homes, but they’re also a great way to deal with condensation in caravan and motorhome windows.
  • This Bosch Lightweight Window Vacis lightweight and cordless, thanks to a rechargeable lithium-ion battery.
  • Having a dehumidifier is excellent for removing any ongoing and residual moisture in your caravan.

Bosch Cordless Window Vac

Bosch Cordless Window Vac
  • Runtime: 30 minutes
  • Easy handling: Use the tool even in cramped spaces
  • Bosch wiper blade technology from the automotive sector
  • Versatile window vacuum for caravan and home
Check on Amazon

Have you checked your sealant? If you can get up on a ladder, go up and check that your sealant is in good condition – pay attention to the awning rail and front and rear corners. Read our post on how to seal your caravan

Don’t Worry Too Much!

It’s easier said, we know, but small amounts of condensation are completely normal in caravans!

While you won’t completely eliminate condensation, you can make it less of an issue.

Condensation affects pretty much all caravans, but there are a few things you can do to keep it to a bare minimum. When you notice condensation in your caravan, use the tips above to help you.

Dehumidifiers come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and prices. A dehumidifier similar to this Pro Breeze Dehumidifier is very effective.

Pro Breeze Dehumidifier 500ml

Pro Breeze Dehumidifier 500ml
  • Perfect for removing damp, mould and moisture
  • Capable of removing up to 250ml of moisture per day
  • Ultra-quiet & efficient
  • Auto shut off
Check on Amazon

It’s an electric device that collects moisture directly from the air. These units are available in various capacities to fit a variety of room or caravan sizes, and many, including this one, even have gauges that tell you exactly how much moisture is in the air.

Silica beads are used in other types of dehumidifiers, such as these Damp Rid Fresh Scent Hanging Bags by drawing moisture from the air. There’s no need for electricity, and they can be hung or set anywhere. They are a cheaper alternative to electric dehumidifiers, but you will need to change them more often.

Moisture is a caravan’s worst enemy because it can cause mould, mildew, and rot. Mold and mildew can grow on windows, spread to cushions and upholstery, and even seep into the caravan structure.

If water drips or leaks for an extended period, it can cause wood rot and additional mould and mildew on walls, floors, and ceilings leading to costly repair work.

Fortunately, a slight misting of windows is normal and nothing to be concerned about, as it is usually caused by a temperature difference and will clear up quickly.

Even if this happens frequently and you suspect that something other than a temperature change is causing the condensation on your windows, the problem of excess moisture is usually simple to solve with a few simple tricks.

Being aware of the moisture created during cooking and washing and properly ventilating your caravan during these activities will significantly reduce the amount of water that needs to be evaporated.

To avoid drastic temperature changes that can cause condensation, keep the caravan’s temperature as low and consistent as possible, and quickly remove any trapped moisture if it does occur.

Like we said earlier, just try not to worry about it too much – and if it looks like there might be a more serious problem, just follow the steps above before you call out the specialists!

Happy Caravanning!

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